Elizabeth Medina Photography

Signature Albums
Signature Flush Mount Wedding Albums
We take enormous pride in collaborating to design and produce the highest quality flush mount albums for those clients who choose to include an album in their wedding photography package.
Are these wedding albums similar to the “photo books” sold online?
Not “photo books” with thin paper pages (which have lots of fun uses), these are true flush mount wedding albums. Select photographs are printed on professional luster photographic paper, flush mounted to form thick sturdy pages. The album is heavy and substantial with varied cover options including leather, photo insets or full photo covers.
Can we choose our own photographs for the wedding album?
Of course! It is your wedding and will be your album for a lifetime! We want you to include the images that are most significant to your personally if you would like to participate in the process by choosing a selection of images to feature. We then design the image to include those images as well as others that may round out the design visually. If you prefer the studio to design creatively from the ground up we are very happy to do that as well!
Do you use templates to create these albums?
Never! Each album is specifically designed to showcase the unique images from your wedding. No two weddings are alike and neither are the album layouts. As your photographer it is important to me that the album spreads flow visually and that the images are placed in a way that shows them and your wedding to its full advantage. Although nothing compares to turning the pages of an actual album, clicking through the album gallery below will give a glimpse of our Elizabeth Medina Photography signature albums.