As a Mexico photographer, sometimes I think it is kind of amazing to have a job like photography that is more often a hobby than an actual profession. Kind of puts us in a pretty lucky group along with the professional skiers, sailors, and chefs. How fantastic is that really? Of course this can be a little challenging (you have to be pretty skilled and dedicated to the craft to be able to consistently deliver images that stand out in the pack when basically everyone is shooting away on a phone, camera, ipad or drone!). In the case of wedding photographers you also have to accept the fact that on any given Saturday you will more likely be shooting a wedding than enjoying one as a guest! Photographing the bride and groom can be really fun, but of course being a guest is also awesome, especially in a case like this having seen the bride grow up over the years and even photographed her as a quinceañera! So lets just say that I was more than delighted to photograph Ivette and Gerardo´s preceremony bride and groom session at the gorgeous Hacienda San Diego Cutz and then morph into guest mode to join their amazing dance party (event coordination of this spectacular wedding was by Celebra Weddings) later on. Muchas gracias Ivette and Gerardo for being the very special and happy couple that you are! It was an extra pleasure to photograph and celebrate with the two of you!

Best Mexico wedding photographer, Elizabeth Medina Photography. All images (c) 2015 Elizabeth Medina Photography